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FREE Bionics

FREE Bionics is the leading developer of exoskeleton.
By supporting or enhancing human strength on medical and industrial fields, we aimed to increase global working population and human potential.


Walk again, more powerful than before

FREE Walk is designed for people with lower limbs weakness.

Users are able to put on and take off the device independently.
FREE Walk assist users to walk again, with stronger posture.

FREE Bionics Taiwan Inc.

FREE Bionics’ journey began at the first team of scientists in ITRI Taiwan (Industrial Technology Research Institute, the national leading institute which developing robotic technology) . After overcoming obstacles and challenges, with 2016 R&D 100 award, our team spun off from ITRI in 2017. We are the first independent company in Taiwan developing powered exoskeletons, exo-suits and bionic technology products.
By supporting or enhancing human strength and mobility on medical and industrial fields, we aimed to increase global working population and human potential. We provide various exoskeleton products and solutions to make people’s life easier and better.

Our spirit

Break and Renew

"Can be better"
We all believed so.
We listen carefully for people's unsatisfied crave and dreams
With our imagination and technology, we answers to people's longing.
Developing products which made people's life fulfilled and convenient.

We are FREE Bionics
We are one of the good forces to make the world a better place

Our vision

Tempered technologies with human warmth

Technologies should be able to gather people together.
We hope FREE Bionics's products can have the power
which can make people have beautiful interactions.

There are always ups and downs in life.
It is a successful product if it can give people hope and enlightenment.
It's our pleasure to accompany you go through those moments with you.

Brand Value

Enthusiasm eagerness passion

At the very fisrt beginning
FREE Bionics' composition is simple -
It is composed of a group of passionate R&D engineers.

This DNA attracts people who share same values
We all love challenges and we committed to make heart warming products for people in needs.
We believe that only when we have passion and eagerness with us
can we create values for our users, partners, and stakeholders.

People is our only concern while developing the products

Product development principles

We care about what you need.

All our products have to achieve three criteria.
It should be able to make people feel reliable, happy and amazed.

- Nothing is more important than your safety-
All products are required to meet medical device requlations.
The quality and safety of the products are strictly controlled.
Eliminate all risks so that you can use our product with no worries.

- Resonate with your true feeling anytime -
We listen and observe carefully when we design the products for you.
Making sure any tiny details are fit for your needs.
Making sure you are satisfied every time when you use our products.

- Realize your imagination with latest technology -
Cooperating with top medical development teams aborad,
We offer solutions and products that are different from the past
Renew your vision.

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